A full-time Research Associate at level 2 (research role profiles) is required to work in the Auditory Cognition Group at Newcastle University (https://www.auditorycognition.org/) under the supervision of Professor TD Griffiths. The work is funded for five years by an MRC programme grant in which the group will examine brain mechanisms for auditory cognition. The programme includes behavioural work and EEG studies in Newcastle, fMRI at 3T and 7T at UCL, and human direct neurophysiological recordings carried out at the Human Brain Research Laboratory at Iowa University. The programme will address mechanisms for fundamental auditory pattern analysis in the cortex, which are a critical determinant of speech-in-noise perception: the most common complaint of subjects with hearing loss. The MRC-funded work is carried out in normal-hearing subjects but informs other work carried out by the group on hearing impaired subjects supported by NIH(USA). The group within the three centres collaborates closely based on several weekly meetings and there are opportunities for collaboration with the other sites.
This post is central to the programme. The successful candidate will develop new paradigms to assess auditory pattern analysis and run EEG experiments in the Newcastle lab to assess the brain basis. The work will inform the design of work in the other centres based on fMRI and neurophysiological recordings. A PhD student will also contribute to the work in Newcastle. Candidates are strongly encouraged to make a pre-submission enquiry about the post before any application. Auditory Cognition Group will be virtually presenting 6 posters at APAN 2020. All below presentation times are specified in UTC-4 time zone.
Poster #21 Oct-22 11:15 - 12:15 pm: Pradeep Dheerendra - Dynamics underlying auditory working memory Poster #87 Oct-22 01:45 - 02:45 pm: Phillip Gander - Direct electrical recordings of neural activity related to auditory figure-ground segregation in the human auditory cortex Poster #100 Oct-22 01:45 - 02:45 pm: Ester Benzaquen - The role of expectation on aversive auditory processing: behavioural and EEG signatures of prediction Poster #161 Oct-22 01:45 - 02:45 pm: Joel Berger - Distribution of multi-unit pitch responses recorded intracranially from human auditory cortex Poster #77 Oct-23 11:15 - 12:15 pm: Alexander J. Billig - Signatures of Auditory Regularity Processing in Human Intracranial Recordings Poster #94 Oct-23 11:15 - 12:15 pm: Emma Holmes - Using active inference to model selective attention during cocktail party listening |
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