Pradeep Dheerendra will give a talk titled "Spectro-temporal dynamics underlying Auditory Working Memory".
Rose Bruffaerts from KU Leuven will be talking about how “Multivariate neuroimaging elucidates the neurobiology of language in ageing brains and brains affected by neurodegeneration”
Roberta Bianco will give a talk titled "Long-term implicit memory for sequential auditory patterns in humans"
Sukhbinder Kumar will present his recent work titled "Misophonia: resting state connectivity and sound evoked response".
David Richter from the Predictive Brain Lab (Prof. Floris de Lange) at Donders Institute will give a talk titled: ‘Prediction throughout visual cortex - How statistical regularities shape sensory processing’.
Annie Zeng is going to give a talk with the title 'Do professional interpreters actually hear everything while they speak? - An empirical research in the context of English-Chinese simultaneous interpreting'
Jason Geller, University of Iowa, is going to give a presentation on 'The Onlineification of Science: What You Need to Know About Collecting Data Online'
Will Sedley, Newcastle University, will speak about "Migraine as an allostatic reset"
Sinead Mullally, Newcastle University, will speak about "The rise and fall of episodic memory: characterising the change in episodic memory from infancy to ageing, and in patients with autoimmune limbic encephalitis"
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